Signed in as:
Signed in as:
VFAFA District Representative is a liaison between VFAFA and their local district foster parent association/district.
1) If the local district has an association the VFAFA District Rep is an elected office that is selected by the members of the local association.
2) If no local association exists the board of VFAFA can appoint a rep for a district based on an individials interest and request.
1) A willing person who is interested in becoming a leader of the local foster/adoptive parent community.
2) Who lives within the district they represent.
3) Is a licensed community or kin foster parent or has adopted through foster care in the state of Vermont.
4) Who are not an employee of DCF (contractor positions are allowed).
5) Are willing to work collaboratively with local district and VFAFA board.
6) Can attend at least 10 VFAFA meetings per year; in person, or via phone, or web.
Vermont Foster/Adoptive Family Association 135 Meadow Way Rutland, VT 05701 US
BARRE: –vacant–
BENNINGTON: –vacant–
BURLINGTON: –vacant–
HARTFORD: –vacant–
MIDDLEBURY: –vacant–
NEWPORT: –vacant–
RUTLAND: Cinn Smith
ST. ALBANS: Nicole Stetson
ST. JOHNSBURY: –vacant–
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.
VFAFA is a 501c3 organization. Your support and tax-deductible contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
Copyright © 2023 Vermont Foster/Adoptive Family Alliance- All Rights Reserved.