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Monthly the VT DCF publishes Foster Care News filled with information and resources for foster families.
The VT Department of Children & Families, Family Services Division works to make sure children and youth are safe from abuse, their basic needs are met, they abide by the law, and their families are supported to achieve these goals.
For specific information regarding becoming a foster parent or assisting children who are in the custody – visit their Fostering page.
Looking for additional support and information as a foster parent? Visit the DCF Resource page for many helpful links.
Barre District Office
Phone: (802) 479-4260 Fax: (802) 476-1660
255 North Main St, Suite 7, Barre, VT 05641-4189
Adamant | Barre City | Barre Town | Berlin | Braintree | Brookfield | Cabot | Calais | Colbyville | Duxbury | East Granville | E & N Montpelier | Fairmont | Fayston | Foxville | Graniteville | Kents Corner | Lanesboro | Maple Corner | Marshfield | Middlesex | Montpelier | Moretown | Northfield | Orange | Plainfield | Putnamville | Riverton | Roxbury | Waitsfield | Warren | Washington | Waterbury | Websterville |Williamstown | Worcester
Bennington District Office
Phone: (802) 442-8138 Fax: (802) 447-2808
Suite 14, 200 Veterans Memorial Drive, Bennington, VT 05201-1956
Arlington | Bennington | Bondville | Dorset | Glastenbury | Hartwellville | Landgrove | Manchester | Peru | Pownal | Readsboro | Rupert | Sandgate | Searsburg | Shaftsbury | Stamford | Sunderland | Winhall | Woodford
Brattleboro District Office
Phone: (802) 257-2888 Fax: (802) 254-6341
232 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Brattleboro, VT 05301
Athens | Bellows Falls | Brattleboro | Brookline | Cambridgeport | Central Park | Dover | Dummerston | Grafton | Guilford | Halifax | Jacksonville | Jamaica | Londonderry | Marlboro | Newfane | Putney | Rawsonville | Rockingham | Saxtons River | Somerset | Stratton | Townshend | Vernon | Wardsboro | Westminster | Whitingham | Williamsville | Wilmington | Windham
Burlington District Office
Phone: (802) 863-7370 Fax: (802) 863-7516
White Cap Business Park, 426 Industrial Ave. Ste. 130, Williston, Vermont 05495
Bolton | Brookside | Burlington | Cedar Beach | Charlotte | Checkerberry | Colchester | Essex | Essex Jct. | Ft. Ethan Allen | Hanksville | Hinesburg | Huntington | Jericho | Jonesville | Milton | Queen City Park | Richmond | Riverside | Shelburne | South Burlington | St. George | Thompson Point | Underhill | Westford | Williston | Winooski
Hartford District Office
Phone: (802) 295-8840 Fax: (802) 295-4101
118 Prospect Street, Suite #400, White River Junction, VT 05001
Barnard | Bethel | Bradford | Bridgewater | Briggs | Chelsea | Cookville | Corinth | Dewey Mills | East Corinth | Ely | Evarts | Fairlee | Gaysville | Gilead | Goose Green | Hartford | Hartland | Lewiston | Lympus | Norwich | Pomfret | Pompanoosac | Post Mills | Prosper | Quechee | Randolph | Robinson | Rochester | Royalton | Sharon | Stockbridge | Strafford | Taftsville | Talcville | Thetford | Tunbridge | Union Village | Vershire | West Fairlee | White River Jct. | Wilder | Woodstock
Middlebury District Office
Phone: (802) 388-4660 Fax: (802) 388-4665
156 South Village Green, Suite 202, Middlebury, VT 05753-1105
Addison | Barnumtown | Basin Harbor | Beldens | Bread Loaf | Bridport | Bristol | Buel’s Gore | Chimney Point | Cornwall | Fernville | Ferrisburg | Goshen | Granville | Hancock | Lake Dunmore | Larabee Point | Leicester | Lincoln | Middlebury | Monkton | New Haven | Orwell | Panton | Ripton | Salisbury | Shoreham | Starksboro | Vergennes | Waltham | Weybridge | Whiting
Morrisville District Office
Phone: (802) 888-4576 Fax: (802) 888-1343
63 Professional Drive, Suite 3, Morrisville, VT 05661-8522
Belvidere | Cady Falls | Cambridge | Centerville | Craftsbury | Eden | Elmore | Greensboro | Hardwick | Hyde Park | Jeffersonville | Johnson | Lake Elmore | Morristown | Morrisville | Moscow | Mt. Mansfield | Pleasant Valley | Stannard | Stowe | Waterville | Wolcott | Woodbury
Newport District Office
Phone: (802) 334-6723 Fax: (802) 334-3371
Suite 230, 100 Main Street, Newport, VT 05855-4898
Albany | Averill | Avery’s Gore | Barton | Beebe Plain | Beecher Falls | Bloomfield | Brighton | Brownington | Brunswick | Canaan | Charleston | Coventry | Derby | Evansville | Ferdinand | Glover | Holland | Irasburg | Island Pond | Jay | Kimball | Lemington | Lewis | Lowell | Maidstone | Morgan | Newport City | Newport | Norton | Orleans | Tice |Troy | Warren’s Gore | Westfield | Westmore
Rutland District Office
Phone: (802) 786-5817 Fax: (802) 786-8827
88 Merchants Row, 220 Asa Bloomer Bldg., Rutland, VT 05701-3449
Alfrecha | Belmont | Benson | Blissville | Bomoseen | Brandon | Castleton | Chippenhook | Chittenden | Clarendon | Cold River | Cuttingsville | Danby | Fair Haven | Florence | Forest Dale | Healdville | Holden | Hortonville | Howtonville | Hubbardton | Hydeville | Ira | Killington | Lake St. Catherine | Mechanicsville | Mendon | Middleton Springs | Mount Holly | Mount Tabor | Pawlet | Pittsfield | Pittsford | Poultney | Proctor | Rutland | Rutland Town | Sherburne | Shrewsbury | Sudbury | Tarbellville | Tinmouth | Wallingford | Wells | West Haven | West Rutland
Springfield District Office
Phone: (802) 289-0648 Fax: (802) 885-8921
100 Mineral Street, Suite 101, Springfield, VT 05156-3166
Amsden | Andover | Ascutney | Baltimore | Bartonsville | Brockway Mills | Brownsville | Cavendish | Chester | Downers | Felchville | Gassetts | Houghtonville | Ludlow | Perkinsville | Plymouth | Proctorsville | Reading | Simonville | Springfield | Tyson | Weathersfield | West Windsor | Weston | Windsor
St. Albans District Office
Phone: (802) 527-7741 Fax: (802) 527-5404
27 Federal Street, Suite 300, St. Albans, VT 05478-2247
Alburg | Bakersfield | Berkshire | Binghamville | Boedonville | Bordoville | Enosburg | Fairfax | Fairfield | Fisk | Fletcher| Franklin | Georgia | Gordon Lodge | Grand Isle | Greens Corner | Highgate | Isle La Motte | Missisquoi | Montgomery | Morris Line | North Hero | Oakland | Richford | St. Albans | St. Albans Town | Sheldon | South Hero | Stevens Mills | Swanton
St. Johnsbury District Office
Phone: (802) 748-8374 Fax: (802) 751-3203
1016 US Route 5, Suite 02, St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819
Barnet | Burke | Concord | Danville | East Haven | Granby | Groton | Guildhall | Kirby| Lunenburg | Lyndon | Newark | Newbury | Peacham | Ryegate | St. Johnsbury | Sheffield | Sutton | Topsham | Victory | Walden | Waterford | Wheelock
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.
VFAFA is a 501c3 organization. Your support and tax-deductible contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
Copyright © 2023 Vermont Foster/Adoptive Family Alliance- All Rights Reserved.